
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Dummy text and 10 Paragraph  

A village Doctor

Every man has an aim in life. I have a definite aim in my life. The aim of my life is to become a doctor and serve the poor villagers. My father who is a doctor always inspires me to be a doctor. The reason of my so choice is that most of the people of your village are poor and illiterate. Good doctors are not available in the villagers. So they do not get help and die a premature death. By observing their miseries, my heart fills with profound grief. I cannot tolerate this circumstance. I want to help them by proper treatment. For the purpose, I shall get myself admited into Adhyapak Abdul Majid Collage after passing the S.S.C examination in science group. When I have Passed the H.S.C examination, I shall get myself admitted into a Medical Collage or M.B.B.S After having M.B.B.S, I shall come back to my village and serve the people I shall take no fee form the poor I feel it is not easy to be a doctor. Yet I will try my best to achieve

A Eid-Ul-Fitar

I have enjoyed many festival in my life. The Eid festival is one of them I enjoyed the last Eid-Ul-Fitar very superbly Befor the Eidday, at night I could not sleep due to excitement. In the very early morning, I jumped out form bed. I took my batch with the boys of my age and put on new dress. Mother served us sweets, shemai,firni noodls and other testy food. After eatin I along with my father and brother got prepared to go to the Eidgah. There we said the Prayer. I also exchanged greetings embracing with some of my friends and relatives. I returning form the Eidgah. I came back home. All the members of our family had our lunch with great pleasure. In the evening, I along with my father visited "Shishu Park" and bought some attractive things. At night we enjoyed different TV programs. that will remain ever-fresh in my life.

Water pollution

Water is a very important element of human environment. It is an essential element of nature because it saves all kinds of lives on earth. Clean water is healthful but polluted water is very harmful. Nowadays water pollution is one of the serious problems that humanity face. Water pollution refers to the contamination of water by filth,waste or other substances. It can be polluted in many ways. Water is polluted by using chemical fertilizers and various insecticides in the land when they are washed away by rain or flood. Mills and factories throw their waste products into rivers and canals and thus polluted water. Again motor launches, steamers polluted water by throwing oil, food waste and human waste. Another aspect is, pollution of underground water by arsenic. By drinking this polluted water, we often get sick and many even die. So, we must prevent water pollution at any cost. Water can be purified by conscious to keep water pollution at any cost. Water can be purified by boiling it and using purifying tablets. All concerned must be conscious to keep water free from pollution. Govt. should take comprehensive programme to check water pollution. Above all, for a healthier and a happier life,massive awareness must be created against water pollution.

A good teacher

A man or a woman who teaches the students in any educational institutation is called a teacher. A teacher, specially a good or an ideal teacher, is one of the most important people of a country. He is a valuable asset to any country. He is the architect of a nation. A good teacher is a friend, philosopher and guide to the students. He makes lessons interesting to them. He awakenes the students and arouses their eagerness for learning. He makes them confident and proves them clever. He discovers the hidden treasure in each students. He also wants them happy. He keeps them busy at school and at home. His general nature is also good. So, a good teacher should have nessary qualifications and professional training.

A railway station

A railway station is a place where trains stop and start form. Passangers get into the train and get down from the train there. It has a platfrom for the passangers. In a big railaway station there is a shed over the platfrom but at a small station it is open. A railway station has its master's office, a booking-office and waiting rooms for men and women. There are
restaurants, book stalls and stationary shops in it. A railway station is always a crowded place. Passangers come and go there. People are found in a long line to buy tickets. They push one another to go ahead. When the train whistles away it becomes clam and quiet. The flagman moves with red and green flags. The hawakers shout, the vendors move, the porters walk to and fro and the beggers beg singing religious chorus. Thus a railway station is a palce of great noise.

A Journey by boat

Any kind of journey is pleasant to all. But a journey by boat is specially very pleasent and
enjoyable to me. During the last summer vacation, I and some of my friends made a journey by boat from Homna to Munshigonj. The purpose was to attend the marriage ceremony fo my frind's elder sister. We hired a fine boat. We started our journey from Homna ghat at 9 a.m. There were two boatmen. The sky was clear. The river was clam. As the wind was favourable, the boatman set sail. Soon the boat began to move fast. We saw a large number of big and small boats playing up and down in the river. We saw some steamers and motor launches playing through the river. Fishermen were catching fish in the river. Boys and girls were swimming. Women were going home with jars filled with water. There were green fields on both reached Munshigonj station at 3 p.m. We got down form the boat and my friend recived us cordially. I enjoyed the journey most. The memory of the journey will remain ever-fresh in my life.

An Accident

Now-a-days a street accident has become a common incident in Bangladesh. Everyday we find the news of street accident in the dailies. Some days ago, a tragic accident took place just before my eyes at debidwar. A boy was crossing the road near debidwar Mohila Collage. A bus with full speed was comming from the opposite direction. When the boy saw the bus a few yards near him, he got puzzled. Suddenly he turned and started to cross the road. He had just moved to the middle of the road and the bus run over him. The bus stopped with a loud sound. A crowd rushed to the spot. I ran to the boy and in the twinkling of an eye. I saw that the boy was senseless. There was blood flowing on the street. I took the wounded boy into a car and told the river to proceed to the Upazilla Health Complex. There the doctors and nurses took every care of him. But ti is a matter of great regret that he died there. I could not bear to watch the scene. Clossing my eyes, I came back home afterwards.

The life of a farmer

An ideal farmer is a very important person in our society. A farmer is a person who cultivates land and grows crops. Generally, in your country, he lives in a village. His house is made of corrugated iron sheets or straws. An ideal farmer lives a very simple life. He earns his livelihood by the sweet of his brow. He worlks form morning till evening. He goes to his field with his wooden plough and a pair of bullocks. He cultivates and prepares his land with simple hand-made tools. Sometimes he is too busy that he cannot make time to go  home for the nooday meal. He has both pleasure and pains in his life. He gets pleasures when he has a good harvest. But he gets pains when his crops are destroyed by droughts, floods or cyclones. Though a farmer works hard, he cannot meet the basic needs of his familly. He lives from hand to mouth. He also suffers from many diseases. however, he can improve his condition by a planned use of it. In our society, a farmer is meant to belong to the lower class. But in reality, an ideal farmer is an asset to the country. He contributes a lot to the economy of the country. So all of us should respect him.